Sit or Squat for Health

Did you know, the modern toilet seat may be one of the main contributing factors to the development of colorectal or colon cancer.

Ssquatting-toilets-wesley-chapel-chiropractoritting on a modern toilet seat causes a kink in the in the area where the sigmoid colon connects to the rectum. This results in longer sitting time, the need to push harder and in turn causes hemorrhoids as well as results in a decrease in colon elimination.

Colon cancer is a result of inflammatory bowel disease which can occur when feces is allowed to stagnant in the colon. A kink in the colon can result in only partial expulsion of the colon leading to increased absorption of fluids from fecal matter as well as hardening of feces making it near-impossible to expel.

Squatting on the other hand opens the kink, allowing for full elimination whilst increased pressure is placed on the abdomen naturally. This creates a natural expulsion or laxative effects enabling the bowls to empty fully.

The ancient Romans used the posture shown below on the left. (Togas were easier to deal with than trousers, and provided some degree of privacy.) The last picture shows a typical tourist.

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